Also, with the introduction of Apple’s improved Kerberos SSO Extension, there was a hope that NoMAD’s time had perhaps passed. However, after watching the number of people in #nomad MacAdmin Slack channel increase and continued usage of the product, it started becoming more clear that the time had perhaps come to do a major rework of the codebase to allow for modernization. A lot of this is because Active Directory itself hasn’t changed much. NoMAD 1.x hasn’t seen a lot of updates in the last few years.
If you have suggestions on presentations, questions, or comments, please use the Contact Us option. This month’s meeting will be held on Wed, March 17th, 2021 at 11 AM MT and we will provide live broadcasts and archives that will be made available 2-3 days after the meeting. Presentations cover Apple technology and integration in a heterogeneous university enterprise environment.
The University of Utah, MacAdmins Meeting is held monthly at the Marriott Library on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 11 AM Mountain Time.